Monday, September 15, 2008

I got a much needed FILL!!

Today I went and saw Karen, the NP at Dr. Malley's office.
I was in need of a major fill!! I felt like I had been eating like a cow!!! I thought I had for sure gained 10 lbs or more. I had only gained 4 lbs. She was very impressed with that! She said that was really good for as much as I had taken out last time. She said that she wished more of her band patients would take a vacation every once in a while and let their band out and enjoy a full diet.. I loved not being tight.. but I also did not like not loosing weight.. Well I hope I am back to loosing weight!! I am ready to see those pounds drop again!!! I am in a size 14 jeans!!! YEAH!!! Ok, well I ended up get 1.5cc put back in.. I am up to 4.5cc in my band!!

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