Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Oh im sure IT will get better...

Opps have cheated a couple of times.. a bit here and there!!! but I still feel better.. and I feel like I have lost 20 lbs... even though it probably is like 2 or 3 lbs...

I will keep on truckin down the road to victory!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I started my pre-op diet today..and I am miserable already!!! It will be ok though.. IT is all in my head....
So far today I have had a yogurt drink, and a slim fast...

I can have 4 protein drinks a day and I can have all that I want of Sugar free jello ect.

Here is my pre-op details
Weight: 234.7 (248, at my consultation 1/18/08)
Neck: 14 1/4
Arms: 14
Waist: 39 1/2
Belly: 47 1/2
Thigh: 33
Bust: 45

Dang!! I can't wait to watch those go down!!!

I will take pictures later and post them, so we can look at the progress.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Well.. Today is April 8th.. One Month!! YEAH!!!

I am celebrating today by eating junk.. I know that is soo bad, but hey! 2 weeks I start the dreadful full liquid diet! dang it!

Have a great day!